Adjusting to Life with a Newborn for New Moms

Adjusting to parenthood

Adjusting to the unpredictable life of a new parent.

Sometime after the cord is clipped, you will likely come to a startling realization. This bun that you have been baking for the better part of a year is here. You are now a parent and there is no turning back.

No matter how much a woman prepares for birth, babies tend to remain rather hypothetical in nature until they make their first cry or wet their first diaper. Birth, for most, is a rather surreal experience. Despite all that time getting ready, the change really does not seem to hit until your sweet newborn slides out of your womb and into your arms.

For many mothers the first few days are a little sheltered. A flurry of attention tends to keep very new moms preoccupied from what really lies ahead. Nurses, midwives, doulas, and family surround the new mother and baby dyad, leaving them feeling supported and comfortable. [Read more...]

Choosing the Perfect Baby Name

The idea of selecting a baby’s name can lead to anxiety, excitement, and even a bit of hostility. After all, this is the name that a new human being will, at least in theory, carry around for the rest of their life. It is a decision that is hard to reverse and could potentially shape the person that your child grows into.

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The Evolution of the Baby Shower

Baby showers provide new parents with a fun way of acquiring all the accessories, clothing, and supplies they will need to welcome their new baby into the family. Most popular with first-time-mothers, baby showers have historically been an all-female event. However, they have become increasingly more gender neutral throughout the years. The opening of this special occasions to male family and friends is only one of the current events surrounding baby showers.

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