Getting Successful Photographs During Labor and Delivery

When you have just given birth, or when you are or on the precipice of doing so, it is hard to imagine ever forgetting any of the details from that day. While it is true that childbirth has a way of changing a person inside and out, leaving an imprint on their lives that they will never truly lose, birth memories do fade into the sepia background of our mind, along with an endless barrage of weddings, deaths, and other impossible-to-forget events.

Just like weddings, and many other events, the birth of one’s child is a momentous occasion that you will want to savor the details of for a lifetime. Having a good set of photographs from the big day makes it possible for both the parents to remember the birth fondly, as well as a method of introducing that special day to the child. Of course, the spontaneity of birth does not always lend itself over to photographic success. Unlike weddings and graduation ceremonies which have a relatively routine pattern and are planned months in advance, birth happens without notice and when it does, the only thing left to do is give over to mother nature.

Early Planning

Before setting out for the big day it is important to discuss your photographic plans with your physician or midwife. Most home and birth center midwives will have very little restrictions on what can and cannot be photographed, however hospitals are a different matter all together. It is a good idea to sit down and discuss what you plan to take pictures of and make sure there are no restrictions, do this early on so that it will all be squared away prior to birth. Even some hospital restrictions can be overlooked when your physician or midwife is on board.

Discuss the kind of shots you want to get ahead of time, if you are dead set on getting a shot of the umbilical cord or the baby as soon as they arrive, they let your care provider know. It also does not hurt to include this information in your birth plan, especially if your set on getting a photo that your physician says OK, but the hospital normally does not allow.

Find a Photographer

If you can fit in your budget, why not hire a professional to take photographs of your birth? There are professional birth photographers in nearly every city in the United States. Many of them are willing to travel up to a few hours to get shots, and they typically go on call at 37 weeks, to ensure they arrive at the onset of labor and get plenty of pictures leading up to the postpartum. Birth photographers like Lynsey Stone of Dallas Fort Worth are widely known throughout the birthing community for their beautiful, haunting birth photos. Many of which have gone wildly viral amongst mothers-to-be on the web.

Once you have found a photographer, discuss with the individual ahead of time what shots are most important to you. Also talk to them about any modesty issues you may have, even in the very impersonal world of labor and delivery, photographers are usually able to bypass things that you are not interested in having photographed. Unlike your mother or aunt, birth photographers are well-trained, allowing them to capture the “perfect” shot without a lot of thought. They are also used to the fast-paced environment of birthing rooms and able to effectively blend in, without causing a problem for caregivers.

Most photographers have rock-solid backup if they are unable to make it to the big day and are ultra-devoted to their craft. They are a great commodity to families, easily capable of managing all aspects of the photo shoot while mother and her partner relax and do the hard work of bringing a life into the world.

Doing it Alone

If for one reason or another you decide that having a birth photographer present is not the right plan for you, the need to plan ahead for pictures is still very important. Sometime before reaching the 37th week, you should sit down and discuss what sort of photos you want captured and delegate one or two individuals to be in charge of getting them. You should add your home camera to your packing list, but it also does not hurt to throw a few disposable cameras in your prepared overnight bag in case you forget at the last minute.

Labor changes us in surprising ways, many an independent woman has found herself clinging to her husband, mother, or doula as they hit the transition phase of labor, determined to not let go. This is why it is a good idea to enlist a back-up person to handle photography if at all possible. It is generally not an idea to choose your primary support person to also be the one taking pictures.

It is rare that anyone regrets getting photographs of their birth. They are a fond reminder of one of the most important days of your life. They also capture one of life’s most beautiful and natural moments in all its raw glory. I have never seen a laboring woman who was not absolutely radiant. Chances are you will be taken back by the results.


  1. gold account says:

    Some photographers offer birth packages among a panoply of options, including pregnancy and family photography; others, like Ms. Stone, focus on births. She got started six years ago after she photographed her first birth and the mother shared the photos with friends in a local mothers’ group.

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